Soft-Skill Survey
Q: How will the presentation be held?
A: Currently, we are plaining to meet in person. If MIRU2022 itself is held online only then this program is also done online.
Q: Is it mandatory to meet in person for the presentation? Even if I do not come there physically, can I join?
A: Along with MIRU2022, the presentation of this program will be held in person there. But, depending on situations, its holding style might be changed. In such cases, we will inform on the Slack or this website.
Q: Is there a participation fee?
A: The main program and Slack are free to participate, so please join in! There might be a minor fee when joining (optional) social events like restaurants or bars.
Q: Can I put a nickname in Slack?
A: Please use your real name when participating Slack. One of the main purposes of the Slack is to create connections with other researchers you might meet at MIRU or other conferences. As such, it is crucial to use the same as you would on your nametag or papers, so people can find you!
Q: So, what’s MIRU?
A: MIRU stands for “Meeting on Image Recognition and Understanding” and is the biggest Japanese domestic symposium on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
Q: And what’s MIRU Young Researchers Program?
A: The program aims at providing events and opportunities for young researchers and students to connect and get to know each other. Details on this years' program can be found on the front page.
Q: How do I join?
A: The MIRU WAKATE Slack targeting young researchers in field of CV, PR and MM can be joined through this link. The main program targeting a “Soft-Skill Survey” is still in planning, but details can be found here.
Q: Can I join MIRU Young Researchers Program without a paper presentation at MIRU?
A: Your participation is very welcome. Be aware, that we cannot support your travel or registration fees if you join the MIRU main event.
Q: What range does “Young Researcher” target? Am I a young researcher at age N?
A: If you feel like you are a Young Researcher (no matter your age or position), please join!